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Gagnez avec MoMo

WebTV - MoMo Win

How does it work ?

The promotion starts on 16 November 2022 and ends on 14 February 2023.

– All MTN prepaid customers registered on GO, Extra and also Pro Control price plans are eligible. (Dial *170*0# to check the tariff plan).

– Postpaid subscribers are also eligible for the promo, but only on the basis of their MoMo transactions. 

– New subscribers also have access to the promo as soon as they are activated on the network.

Two possibilities:

– Either buy a bundle of 250F minimum (All bundles are concerned)

*Main bundles: MTN Plus (*222#) & MTN Wanda Net (*123*10#)

* Except for Home Internet bundles and bundles purchased via Prolongation

– Or make a MoMo transaction of 5,000F minimum (*126#)

*Eligible transactions: Cash out, products payment in shop, Money transfer between P2P customers, bill payment, tax payment, Wallet to Bank…

Ineligible transactions: Cash In, Bank to wallet

  • After an eligible transaction, the customer can win :

    1. 1 house every week (14 houses in total)
    2. Unbeatable gifts every day (Smart TV, solar kit, motorbike, fridge, gas cooker) 1 winner/day
    3. Instant bonuses after each eligible transaction (bundle of minimum 250F & MoMo of 5,000F minimum)

Le client reçoit son bonus par SMS juste après avoir fait une transaction éligible (forfaits 250F ou MoMo 5000F)

  • Le client peut recevoir 2 types de bonus :

    • Le bonus peut être du crédit : entre 250F et 10 000F pour appeler vers MTN.
    • Il peut être de la data : entre 100Mo et 10Go de volume internet.

Le bonus doit être activé avant d’être utilisé en tapant le code *123*0#. Solde bonus : *123*99#. Le bonus est valide jusqu’à 23h59 du jour où il le client le reçoit. (Excepté le bonus de 10Go qui est valide 48h).

Les bonus sont donnés pour les transactions comprises entre 8h et 22h. Toutefois, en dehors de ces heures, les transactions restent éligibles pour les tirages au sort.

A raffle draw on TV takes place every Friday on XXXXXXXX and on MTN Cameroon’s Facebook page from 9pm, to identify the winners of the unbeatable prizes (Smart TV, solar kit, motorbike, fridge, gas cooker). At the end of the raffle draw, the winners will be called via 8787

After the raffle draw, the customer will be contacted and invited to a celebration where they will collect their prize against discharge.

A raffle draw on TV takes place every Friday on XXXXXXXX and on MTN Cameroon’s Facebook page from 9pm, to identify the house winner of the past week. At the end of the raffle draw, the winners will be called via 8787

The houses are in Douala (Japoma neighborhood) and Yaounde (Odza neighborhood).

Once the customer has been identified by raffle draw, MTN gives him/her a letter of commitment attesting to his/her prize and signed by MTN, which will handle all the formalities and costs until the house is delivered. The winner will be contacted at the end of the construction of the house for the handover ceremony.

The rules of the game are available, registered at the office of Me Kamtchuing Octavie, Huissier de Justice and available on the MTN website.

Parole aux Winners
